Crustacean Records
"Crust o Matic"
Records "Crust O Matic" -
Presenting Midwest
slam dunk punk. A carefully considered and well placed
collection of this labels best songs and artists. Mad Trucker Gone Mad,
Mucky Pup and Voodoo Love Mint just to name a few of them here. The
order of the artist and songs is just plainly phenomenal. One tune just
seems to connect with the next as if these songs were meant to be
together. The very best of the best from the Midwest
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Uncle Eddie
"Fountain City Follies"
Eddie "Fountain City Follies" -
super funk a billy minutemen style with a flair of driving rock slides.
Funny and seriously good music all at the same time. Assuming the
position that music is supposed to be fun these guys will make you get
up out of your lazy boy and shake it. A dash of jazz influence and the
flavor of funk.
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Windell Greene
"Love and
Won't Work This Time"
Greene "Love and Peace Won't Work This Time" -
There are a lot of things that just don’t work in this world and this
band is NOT one of them. Punk rock at its best with just the right
amount of frosting not too make it over sweet. With enough surprises to
keep you wishing that Soul Asylum would get pissed again. Sit right back
and wait to take out your 3D ear goggles for the hidden pleasure you
will find if you listen just long enough to hear the rainbow. If we all
had ear buds instead of taste buds this would leave you drooling in the
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